Sunday, August 16, 2009

MTV world stage

WOW. so. mtv world stage was AWESOMEEE <333
being in the mosh pit was just an experience of its own. especially when you're in the first row ♥
i'm so lazy to blog. all i have to say is. t's tiring when you're standing for 10 hours in a row, but it's SOO worth it (: i picked up 2 boyslikegirls guitar picks. and a bottlecap that bryan used his mouth to open. BAHA. :D and lucky me found an all-american rejects pick on the floor. so i got that too (:
also caught a mtv world stage t-shirt, which is WAYY too big :D but it's so comfortable (:
anyhow. BLG left Malaysia straight after their set, which means they weren't at the after party. BAHAHHA :D i didnt miss a thingg (:
anyhow. ♥ i'm getting off here. Jo

oh. and this is the banner i made for the concert. haha. it's so smudged now, but it's still pretty :D

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meeting Boys Like Girls

oh man. that was a GREATT experience. meeting boys like girls is seriously like. D: i was the first in line after waiting for 5 hours and i was seriously just blanking outt. i had no idea what to doooo. so i went in, and you could only autograph one thing :( so i took my album i went up to bryan, and the first thing i said to him was 'ohmygosh!' and he laughed at me. haha (: he signed my album and asked for my name, then he wrote it on the album :D with a heart ♥ LOL. then the people in charge told me to go behind the table to get a picture with them. and so i went, and i was between paul and john. after the picture i asked paul if i could have a hug, and so i hugged him (: then i went to the end to wait for the album, and martin was at the end, so i gave him a hug too! and complimented his tattoos. :D and he said thanks! x] then i left, and i wasnt satisfied coz i hadnt hugged bryan :( so i went to line up again and wonders of wonders, they let me through :D coz the PICs didnt remember me. HAHA. and so i went. and when bryan saw me he said hi. i think he probably remembered me coz i 'ohmygoshed' into his face the first time :D then i asked if i could have a hug. and he was like sureee. but he was still signing my poster so i decided to waitt. then when he finished, he stood up and gave me the BIGGEST hug everrrr. the best hug anyone's ever given me in my life :D so i was happy (: i wanted to hug john.. but i was too shy to ask :( what a donkey i am. D: but yea. oh well (: i still love them allll :D
i'm out ♥ Jo

p.s. some pics (:

Sunday, August 9, 2009


alrightt. time for an update
i'm so sick of sewing really. :(
but i love having mosh pit tickets :D
i'm gonna paint a big cloth banner, so all you people who watch it on tv on the 28th of August, watch out for a bigg Boys Like Girls cloth banner in the front yea? (:
they're so awesome. been watching interviews
I really really hope i get to go bowling with themm
or even just get to talk to them for 10 mins. i dont mind
i just want to meet them :D
i would like to work for them too. setting up the stage and stufffff. coz it looks really cool :D
but anyhow
going back to school tomorrow. after 3 days of being absent. hehe :D
gonna have human company again. FINALLY :D
♥ Jo