WOW. so. mtv world stage was AWESOMEEE <333
being in the mosh pit was just an experience of its own. especially when you're in the first row ♥
i'm so lazy to blog. all i have to say is. t's tiring when you're standing for 10 hours in a row, but it's SOO worth it (: i picked up 2 boyslikegirls guitar picks. and a bottlecap that bryan used his mouth to open. BAHA. :D and lucky me found an all-american rejects pick on the floor. so i got that too (:
also caught a mtv world stage t-shirt, which is WAYY too big :D but it's so comfortable (:
anyhow. BLG left Malaysia straight after their set, which means they weren't at the after party. BAHAHHA :D i didnt miss a thingg (:
anyhow. ♥ i'm getting off here. Jo
oh. and this is the banner i made for the concert. haha. it's so smudged now, but it's still pretty :D